The 4 C’s That Can Propel Your Business
The 4 C’s That Can Propel Your Business Whether or not you buy media advertising, if you are a business owner or manager of people, here is one of the smartest short talks I have ever heard on how to grow your team. If you are like I am which is a Type A driver, […]
New Potential Competitor Could Measure Audio to Generate Ratings Data
Competition is always good in the audience measurement field. You have probably heard of Nielsen Ratings for television. They recently bought Arbitron which measured radio and re-named the company as Nielsen Audio. Nielsen already has a TV measurement competitor, comSCORE (Rentrak), so if Kantar enters the audio field in the US, this will be huge […]
New App to Reach Kids
And could be a way to reach a new market. Details here. […]
Radio Ratings Are Up
Comparing old measurement technology to new measurement technology, Inside Radio has the details here. […]
Biggest Thing to Hit Radio in 50+ Years for Buyers
Reported by RAIN Reports about a week ago, Nielsen formally launches streaming ratings service for terrestrial webcasts. This gives media buyers another tool to reach verified audience levels. Details here: […]
Is PANDORA Beginning to Slip to the Competition?
AdAge reports Pandora had 81.1 million users at the end of 2015, a decline of 400,000 from the year before. On-demand streaming services Spotify and Apple Music both added millions of customers over that span.” Is PANDORA beginning to have some serious retention problems in light of new competition? Details here. […]
Spotify Becoming a Major Player in Reaching Ad-Supported Targeted Audience
RAIN News reports that “Over 100 new segments are being brought to the U.S. advertising market, many of them sharpened by Spotify’s first-party data collection of listener behavior…” This means that we can target more than just age, income, sex, and geographic areas for more precise ad results and less waste in spending to reach […]
Major Advance in Ratings for Local Radio Internet Streams
This is one of the biggest advances in the measurement of online radio audio since radio ratings began over 50 years ago. From Inside Radio: “Buying online radio in local markets is now easier, courtesy of media buying and selling platform STRATA…audiences can be targeted geographically and by demographic, including age and gender…across 278 local […]
AT&T Launches Data Service for Outdoor Advertisers
Ad Age Reports that “advertisers will be able to learn the number of people who pass by a billboard or display, as well as stats about that group of people…” Neat idea! Details here. […]
Color Meaning and Symbolism: How To Use The Power of Color in Your Branding
From See how important the choice of color is in your branding and advertising. “A brand’s logo and visual identity will comprise a number of visual cues, such as shapes, symbols, number, and words. But the number one visual component that people remember most is color…” Details here. […]