



with your advertising results?

We Create, Negotiate and Audit advertising campaigns
to lower YOUR cost per lead.

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Bamboozled By Your Advertising Results?

Did You Know:

  • If a traditional media company under-delivers your advertising impressions, most will never tell you (but you have paid for them anyway)?
  • If ratings and impressions come back lower than negotiated, most media companies will never tell you (but you have paid for them anyway)?
  • Media companies will often hide under-delivery and lower rating points/impressions, and won't admit to these issues unless "caught" (but you have paid for them anyway)?
  • In the above cases, you are entitled to get what you paid for if you know how to get it?

You deserve to be fairly represented at the negotiation table and to receive "Wow!" advertising results for the dollars you spend. We’ve gotten hundreds of thousands of dollars back for our clients in make-goods that they would have otherwise never known about.

The Creative Message

After we have negotiated a media buy that is fair to you, the creative message becomes the most important next step to success.

We Create Ads That Are:
  1. Intrusive
  2. Offer-driven with credibility that is too good to pass up
  3. Logical in the prospect’s mind to believe in your offer
  4. Urgent to encourage a purchase now as opposed to later

Marketing rationalizes behaviors. That's why it is so critical to get the message right before you spend anything. Call me (John Haggard) for a free, no-obligation consultation at (615) 646-9636 or send a message through the Contact Form.

Bamboozled Image

Direct Response Marketing Examples

Take a look at some of our High Impact, Targeted, Direct Response Marketing examples.

Click to See Successful Direct-Response Ads

Paying Too Much?

Take a quick test to find out in 60-Seconds or Less If You Are Overpaying and By How Much.

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