Are You Buying Pandora Internet Radio?
If not, you should be. No matter what Pandora playlist or Pandora radio station listeners choose to make up to serve what they want to hear and when they want to hear it, your commercial runs across all platforms of all listeners for the geo-targeted area you want and for the age group that you […]
5 Headline Templates That Grab Readers
Great article on how to attract attention to your business, from the blog of Michael Hyatt. Click here to find out how you can cut through the noise and chatter to get your message past Broca! […]
Are Your Media Buys Being Frozen?
Are your buys being frozen? Once you or your buyer places a media schedule, especially on television, there may be make-goods offered for preemptions especially in high demand areas such as news and if special events such as The Olympics, NCAA March Madness, and other events impact the availability of inventory. Some of those make-goods […]
Are Changes Being Made Without Your Authorization?
Imagine the gall and arrogance of a person doing this to you: without our permission, a major market radio station recently took it upon themselves to add a music bed to our agency-created spot for one of our client’s voice-only spots. The station production person thought the spot should have music, worried that it might […]
Is the TV Station(s) You Are Buying Covering Up?
Every season that there is severe weather, you will find some TV stations that cover up the lower third of your commercial with weather “crawls” — updates on school closings, severe weather, and the like. The Lower Third is that area of the video screen where typically your contact information is, such as your website […]
Top Ten Most Liked New Commercials, 2012 (YTD), from Nielsen
Some of the year’s most-liked TV ads might surprise you! Click here to see Nielsen’s lists of most-liked ads and product integrations of 2012. […]
Who’s Buying What in Super Bowl 2013
Compiled by Ad Age Magazine, here is who will be advertising and what they will be doing (as far as we know). Click here for the details. […]
Can Smart Phones Save Brick and Mortar Stores?
From the Technology section of the New York Times, this article talks about how brick and mortar stores are using smartphone apps to lure customers back into stores in an attempt to dent the influence of Amazon and all on-line order houses. Click here to read the article. […]
The Wizard of Banner Ads for Obama
Whether or not you voted for Barack Obama, here is one of his campaign’s media gurus that handled all of the banner ad click images: click here. […]
Here Are the 100 Most Influential Women in Advertising
If you ever wondered, now you can know as published by Ad Age Daily. Click here to read about the 100 most influential women in advertising. […]