
Why Your Advertising Isn’t Working

Here’s a good article from the archives that can help you understand why your advertising is not working. While there are other reasons as well, this article is a good primer. Click here to read.  […]

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When It Comes to Ad Avoidance, the DVR Is Not the Problem

This is a surprising blog about the topic of ad avoidance and what people are doing when TV ads are running. Click here to read the entire story from Ad Age. […]

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The Most Dangerous Expression in Advertising

The most dangerous expression in advertising may be “I like it!” Read this article from Ad Age by clicking here. […]

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See the Most Effective Magazine Ads of 2010

Click here to see the magazine ads that best moved readers toward purchase, according to GfK MRI Starch Advertising Research.  […]

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How Do I Get People to Like My Brand on Facebook?

With all of the social media options out there and the confusion about how to get it to work, click here to read this article about how to make Facebook work for you. You may be asked to register (for free) to access the article, but this article is well worth the registration.  […]

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Why Advertising Is Rarely Scalable

A great Monday Morning Memo from the Wizard of Ads, Roy H. Williams. Most people believe advertising is scalable. These people are right. And they are wrong. SCALABLE:  When a large-scale problem can be solved by the straight-line, linear expansion of a small-scale solution, that solution is scalable…read more by clicking here. […]

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Why Many Super Bowl Ads Failed to Score

Marketers keep forgetting that the best ads are simple and direct. Read more here.  […]

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9 Things You Can’t Do in Advertising

Nine Things You Can’t Do in Advertising if You Want to Stay on Right Side of the Law. This article appeared in Advertising Age, by Irina Slutsky. When advertisers have a problem with a competitor’s claims, they don’t have to go to court. They can turn to the National Advertising Division of the Council of […]

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Welcome to Media Negotiator!

Welcome to the Media Negotiator blog! Enjoy articles that can help you grow your business, slash your advertising costs, get you more for the same dollars you are currently spending, and give you creative ideas that will differentiate you from the competition with top-of-mind awareness. […]

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