6 Times Bigger Listenership than the Largest Radio Group Operator in the USA
Just how big is Pandora in terms of its listenership? Click here to see the chart from Radio and Television Business Report: […]
Major Television Outlet at First Denies and Then Admits Under-Delivery is Owed
After first denying and sending us reports from “their” system, this outlet admits within one day that under-delivery actually IS owed to our client for their outlet’s failure to achieve at least a 90% delivery in rating points/impressions on a recent schedule that we bought. Our audit showed they owed. Never take a vendor’s word […]
Are You Buying Pandora Internet Radio?
If not, you should be. No matter what Pandora playlist or Pandora radio station listeners choose to make up to serve what they want to hear and when they want to hear it, your commercial runs across all platforms of all listeners for the geo-targeted area you want and for the age group that you […]
Are Your Media Buys Being Frozen?
Are your buys being frozen? Once you or your buyer places a media schedule, especially on television, there may be make-goods offered for preemptions especially in high demand areas such as news and if special events such as The Olympics, NCAA March Madness, and other events impact the availability of inventory. Some of those make-goods […]
Funny TV Ads Don’t Sell Better Than Unfunny Ones — And Can Even Sell Worse, BUT…
From Ad & Marketing News in Ad Age Magazine, click here to find out what being funny in commercials does and doesn’t do. […]
Look at the Ratings for Brand Perception
Brand Index is a site that tracks public perception of thousands of brands across the world each every day. If you ever wondered what causes ratings to rise and fall, and how brands recover, this site is for you. Click here to view. […]
Do You Know What Happens To The Listenership of Your Ad When Commercials Come On?
In an alarming but somewhat expected study about what happens to the listenership of your commercial in a commercial break, you can see for yourself when you click here to read the article. With a loss of audience around 15% in some cases, you should be paying 15% less if the audience is 15% less. Hold […]
Don’t Let Ratings Deceive You
You’ve heard the phrase “Beauty’s only skin deep.” You have to peer behind the “veil” of beauty to see what you really have. The same applies to radio ratings. Let’s assume that the metro area you live in is comprised of 8 counties. 8 counties will make up the rating points that are being quoted […]