Category: Creative Commercials

Why You DON’T Want Your Ad Vendor to Design Your Creative

Assuming you have high frequency (the average number of times that your prospect will be exposed to an ad), almost any properly-targeted media will perform if the creative (the message) is compelling with intrusiveness, is viewed as a spectacular offer with “real” logic to make people believe your offer, and has a time limit (urgency) […]

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The 10 Best Ads to Come out of Steve Jobs’ Reign at Apple

You will undoubtedly remember some of the leading-edge Apple ads that have run on TV over the years. You may not have the budgets that Apple has, but if any of these commercials inspire you, you may be able to produce a real winner for your business. Click here to see what real creativity is all […]

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The Most Dangerous Expression in Advertising

The most dangerous expression in advertising may be “I like it!” Read this article from Ad Age by clicking here. […]

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Why Advertising Is Rarely Scalable

A great Monday Morning Memo from the Wizard of Ads, Roy H. Williams. Most people believe advertising is scalable. These people are right. And they are wrong. SCALABLE:  When a large-scale problem can be solved by the straight-line, linear expansion of a small-scale solution, that solution is scalable…read more by clicking here. […]

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Welcome to Media Negotiator!

Welcome to the Media Negotiator blog! Enjoy articles that can help you grow your business, slash your advertising costs, get you more for the same dollars you are currently spending, and give you creative ideas that will differentiate you from the competition with top-of-mind awareness. […]

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