Why You DON’T Want Your Ad Vendor to Design Your Creative

Why You DON’T Want Your Ad Vendor to Design Your Creative

Assuming you have high frequency (the average number of times that your prospect will be exposed to an ad), almost any properly-targeted media will perform if the creative (the message) is compelling with intrusiveness, is viewed as a spectacular offer with “real” logic to make people believe your offer, and has a time limit (urgency) in most cases. But be careful of vendors who tell you that they will compose your ad for free, or for a very low fee such as $450 for a TV commercial. Most vendors today are terribly over-worked, and their creative departments have been cut to the bone by corporate America or by necessity in order to survive. Some have really good ideas; it’s just that they DON’T have the time they once had because they are multi-tasking and handling tons of advertisers at the same time and many with the same deadline as you. More advertising sales failures result from poor creative than any other single event in advertising, assuming the advertiser is legitimate and well-regarded. The old adage of “You get what you pay for” is especially true in the design of attracting new customers and additional sales from existing customers. Just like you would pay a doctor to operate on you as opposed to an intern, you should use a creative professional to help you design a compelling message. Rarely are there ever any shortcuts to advertising success.